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Physical Security Testing Services

While companies worldwide continue to focus on incorporating security controls to safeguard their operating systems, they often neglect the importance of physical security. There are times when security attacks happen when the hackers manipulate one or more physical security deficiencies.

We, at Detox, focus on incorporating physical security penetration testing for your organization. This is a part of our cybersecurity services that will help you to improve your security controls. Our expert team will assess all the physical security controls to find out the loopholes. Plus, we also try to break into your building premises legally to assess all your security measures.

Why Physical Security Testing Services?

Our physical security testing service will investigate the kind of security control services you use to protect your IT environment. It includes technical controls like Access control, CCTV cameras, procedural, personnel controls like visitor records, security guards, and effective staff training programs.

Physical penetration testing services provide real-world trials of how effective your company’s physical security methods are when it comes to protecting your data, equipment, and personnel. We will set up a discussion session between you and our security consultant. Next, our professionals will infect your site and carefully evaluate and note vulnerabilities that are exposed to attackers.

How Does It Benefit Your Business?

Detox would be a one-of-a-kind resource for your business because it helps you to stay competitive and current, regardless of your business or application. We use tools like red team assessment, social engineering, cans of air, shims, lock picks, and all sorts of techniques and tools to deliver a successful result.

Having you as our end-user client, you will get the scope to –


Frequently Asked Questions

Physical security testing involves evaluating the measures and controls in place to protect physical assets, premises, and sensitive information. This testing assesses vulnerabilities related to unauthorized access, theft, tampering, and other physical threats. Techniques include:


  1. Physical Access Control Testing: Assessing the effectiveness of access controls like badges, biometric systems, and locks by attempting unauthorized entry.
  2. Tailgating Tests: Testing if unauthorized individuals can gain entry by following an authorized person through controlled access points.
  3. Social Engineering: Simulating scenarios where individuals attempt to deceive employees to gain access without proper authorization.
  4. Perimeter Security Evaluation: Assessing fences, barriers, surveillance, and lighting to identify potential weak points.
  5. Lock Picking and Bypass Testing: Evaluating the resistance of locks and security mechanisms against physical manipulation.
  6. Insider Threat Testing: Assessing how well the organization prevents employees from accessing unauthorized areas.
  7. Physical Intrusion Detection Testing: Testing the responsiveness of intrusion detection systems and security personnel to breaches.
  8. Security Camera Analysis: Reviewing camera coverage and monitoring capabilities to identify blind spots.
  9. Biometric System Testing: Assessing the reliability of biometric identification systems like fingerprint or retina scanners.
  10. Document and Media Security Testing: Evaluating how well sensitive documents and digital media are stored, monitored, and disposed of.
  11. Security Guards Assessment: Testing guards’ responsiveness and adherence to security protocols during simulated breaches.
  12. Emergency Response Testing: Evaluating the efficiency of emergency protocols and evacuation procedures.

Physical security testing requires several key requirements to ensure a comprehensive assessment of an organization’s physical security measures:

  1. Authorization: Obtain explicit permission from relevant stakeholders, including management, property owners, and legal teams, to conduct testing.
  2. Clear Scope: Define the scope of testing, specifying which areas, assets, and scenarios will be assessed to avoid unintended disruptions.
  3. Planning: Develop a detailed test plan outlining the testing methodologies, tools, techniques, and scenarios that will be used.
  4. Testing Team: Assemble a skilled testing team with experience in physical security, including experts in access control, intrusion detection, and social engineering.
  5. Coordination: Coordinate with security personnel, employees, and relevant parties to ensure they are aware of the testing process and can distinguish it from actual threats.
  6. Documentation: Prepare clear and concise documentation detailing the testing objectives, methods, findings, and recommendations.
  7. Communication: Communicate the testing schedule to minimize surprises and potential alarm triggers.
  8. Safety Measures: Implement safety protocols to prevent accidents or injuries during testing, ensuring the well-being of everyone involved.
  9. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Adhere to legal and ethical guidelines, respecting privacy laws and ensuring that testing activities do not cross legal boundaries.
  10. Reporting: Generate a comprehensive report that includes detailed findings, vulnerabilities identified, their potential impact, and recommendations for remediation.
  11. Post-Testing Actions: Collaborate with stakeholders to address identified vulnerabilities, implement recommended improvements, and verify that security measures are enhanced.
  12. Feedback Loop: Provide feedback and insights to security personnel, guiding them in optimizing security protocols and measures based on the test results.

Physical security commonly employs three primary levels of security to protect assets and personnel:

Outer Perimeter Security: This is the first level and involves securing the outermost boundaries of a facility. It includes measures like fences, barriers, gates, and access control points. The goal is to prevent unauthorized access to the premises.

Inner Perimeter Security: The second level focuses on securing areas within the facility’s outer perimeter. This includes building access control, security cameras, locks, and alarms. The aim is to control access to specific areas and detect any unauthorized entry.

Interior Security: The third level safeguards critical areas within the building. This includes security measures such as biometric access systems, secure rooms, restricted access to sensitive data, and surveillance. It’s designed to protect the most valuable assets and sensitive information.

The three crucial components of physical security are access control, surveillance, and security personnel.

  1. Access Control: Access control involves mechanisms and protocols that manage who can enter specific areas or facilities. This includes tools like electronic key cards, biometric systems, and locks. Access control ensures that only authorized individuals can gain entry, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or breaches.
  2. Surveillance: Surveillance comprises the use of cameras, sensors, and monitoring systems to observe and record activities in various areas. Surveillance helps deter potential threats, provides evidence in case of incidents, and aids in identifying security vulnerabilities.
  3. Security Personnel: Security personnel, such as guards and security teams, play a critical role in physical security. They monitor activities, respond to incidents, enforce security protocols, and serve as a visible deterrent to potential intruders or malicious actors.

About Detox

We, at Detox, provide cybersecurity solutions to give you more visibility and protect your data. Our solutions will set the highest standards for your privacy and security controls.

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“The application layer attack surface continues to grow in size and complexity, with nearly 30 percent of breaches analyzed in the most recent Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) involving an application layer attack. And since finding and retaining staff who possess the IT cybersecurity skills required to deal with these realities seems to be a universal problem for companies of all sizes.”
